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Breaking through the barriers of DISGUST

As I’m currently de-numbing myself from disgust, and allowing myself to be hurt by disgust projected from others, it helps me to share with you the process I go through in working with my shadow, accept it mentally (change the story/perspective), bring heart and forgiveness to my hurting of others through my expression of disgust towards others, & vice versa.

Our emotional expression of DISGUST is trapped in our bodies, from our conditioning & ancestral memories. It separates us from divinity. It separates us from others. It keeps humanity separated. It makes our children, partners, families feel unloved and isolated. In it’s gentle form, it is a core makeup of judgement. In it’s intense form, it is a core part of hatred. It is an energy that is almost impossible to bring heart to. Adding a dose of shame to that, hurts even more and turns it into contempt.


Because it is an act separating from divine love HEART itself. There is no empathy in being disgusted by another being. If someone does a hurtful action, standing up for ourselves with ANGER/FIRE, can be easily expressed with heart - empathy. However, adding a dose of disgust to it, is then the non-compassionate, non-empathetic isolation & separation energy.

Disgust’s only healthy expression is if we smell rancid food - to keep us safe from toxicity/illness. 

For those of you, who studied the teachings of Jesus, Amitabha, you will note a distinct LACK of DISGUST projected by them - a core part of compassion. Yet note that they still express ANGER/FIRE!

To unify humanity, graduate - our return to compassion - we must cease to have any trapped disgust in our being.