The School of The Heart was created thousands of years ago by the Masters who understood that the only way to remember who we really are is to reconnect with the energy of the heart. The School of The Heart was created thousands of years ago by the Masters who understood that the only way to remember who we really are is to reconnect with the energy of the heart. This mystery school has been kept "out of reach" of the public eye until now. Internationally renowned Master of Meditation, Daniel Mitel, has been called to share the school with the world again, and founded The School of the Heart to train teachers around the world so that they may help more and more people understand their intimate connection with their Inner Selves and remember what it means to live in the Heart.
journeys into the heart
workshop of The School of the Heart (TSOTH) is based on a series of experiences of Masters and Mystics from all over the world . This workshops teaches people to enter into the space of the heart - where EMPATHY can exist. It is ONLY from living in the heart that we truly experience the forgiveness and healing that transforms our lives. There are many ways of coming into the heart, very often it is by chance that we experience this. This workshop teaches many different techniques so that deliberately entering the heart be practiced at any time.
Daniel Mitel explores heart-based living through an array of meditation techniques and exercises.
How it works
When we become stressed, anxious, fearful, shamed, disgusted, angry, sad, our sympathetic nervous system is triggered. We must then engage our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming it down. The heart is a key master controller of our parasympathetic as is the stomach and lungs - all connected via the Vagus Nerve.
The most common methods of engaging the parasympathetic is via the stomach or lungs. These have shadow sides. Engaging our Stomach via fasting or eating, has a shadow side of possibly underrating or overeating eating 'disorders'. Engaging our Lungs via breathing has a shadow side of possibly smoking addictions.
Using our hearts to engage our parasympathetic has no shadow side, although it is the least known technique. These are all techniques taught in this workshop.
These transformative exercises bring a range of methods taught to us by different teachers, to reconnect us to our hearts. With every heart reconnecting moment, we align our vertical axis, our Higher-Self and our indomitable eternal, thereby enabling us to balance our mental, emotional and physical body.
This is one of the best HeartMath videos that shows the power of our heart.
Healing of the Belief Patterns and Emotional Trauma
Realign with the new vibration of Mother Earth
Reconnect with the new energy of the Mother Earth and cosmic vibration of the Father Universe
Learn to reconnect with the Higher Self
Two days of Heart meditations; you will learn what method is the best for you!
Learn to forgive yourself and your trespassers for old conflicts of this life or previous lives
Open you heart and learn the new feminine energy that took over our Earth after December 22, 2012
Learn to live from the heart
Learn to be a Citizen of the Universe and deal with all Earth’s issues from the Cosmic Unconditional Love perspective
Areas Addressed
Healing (the 108 OM)
Re-Connection with Mother Earth, Father Universe and Higher Self
The Torus of the Heart
The Intuitive Way
The Navel Method
The Breathing Method
The Forgiveness Dance
The Heart Concentration Method
The Third Eye Way