“Seeing life as a dance, not a fight”
emotional kung fu
Emotional Kung Fu (EKF) is a system designed to help people deconstruct their Matrix and defend themselves against emotional weaponization, the most common form of warfare in mankind’s history.
Many people can see the effects of the matrix, but what is the matrix and what is its architecture?
The matrix (Elysium) is an invisible system of domination and control (prison), that replaces chains and bars with the emotions and feelings that arise from our inner critic and inner saboteur. Our inner critic/saboteur has been shaped (moulded) by society’s culture (government) and enforced by our parents/guardians/peers, i.e. if we step out of line to the mould, our inner critic self regulates and self governs us to fit into the mould (prison) that was built for us.
The architecture of this prison, is that we start with 7 primary emotions: anger, happiness, sadness, fear, shame, disgust, surprise
3 of these primary emotions are weaponized and used against us (projected) to create the mould: fear, shame and disgust. This unholy triangle, forms an invisible net over our anger (which is our source of empowerment - the primary emotion we use to create, stand up for ourselves, protest, rebel, take action), thus disempowering us by silencing our anger (our voice), and thus rendering us docile (sheeples).
How is our inner critic programmed? For Example:
FEAR: you agree with free speech, free speech is dangerous to society, thus @Elonmusk, you’re a dangerous person. Elon, you need to answer to the British government (says all mainstream media). The first amendment is dangerous to democracy. EFFECT: people feel restricted in what they can say online (anger suppressed), “government” agenda succeeds
SHAME: you go to the gym, practice martial arts, and follow @cobratate. You’re a male chauvinist and you should be ashamed of yourself and you should be censored, banned (says all the mainstream media). EFFECT: You may notice that some white males (who have been targeted most) have lost their balls (anger suppressed). Walking around with their tail between their legs - disempowered, “government” agenda succeeds
DISGUST: you follow @realdonaldtrump @donaldjtrumpjr, so let’s shamingly identify you as a Trumper, you’re racist, disgusting and I hate you and him (says all mainstream media). EFFECT: Divisiveness and separation: pro vs anti Trump, normal vs abnormal - unification and reconciliation not possible. “Government” agenda succeeds.
For completeness, let’s look at the other emotions: happiness and sadness are difficult to weaponize, except in telling you to chase one, avoid (fear) the other, creating emotional loops based on the unholy trinity. Surprise is also difficult to weaponize. All secondary emotions, are combinations of primary emotions, and there are no other primary emotions. For our non physical feelings, sensuality, sexuality, pain and pleasure, we can weaponize them but only via the unholy trinity.
Energy harvesting (LOOSH)
Every time we lose an emotional battle, we feel drained of our energy (like batteries): this is energy harvesting of our soul fire (our creational power - the source of our empowerment), and when we win, we feel a boost of energy. We have become addicted to drawing energy from others (energy vampires). There are those who are primarily after harvesting our energy.
Deconstructing the matrix
The process is all about releasing the trapped fear, shame and disgust in our bodies. Thus, finding our empowerment, reclaiming our soul fire and our personal discernment to finding our truth (information that resonates with our soul, at this time vs propaganda). We are all Neo, seeking a union with the holy trinity - (I) father sun, (ii) mother earth and (iii) the universal force of Qi/Chi/Prana (universal soul fire) - with gives us power over all matter and energy.
Great Seal of the United States
The sheeples’ controllers, although they’re on top of the matrix pyramid( superior), they are still trapped within the matrix also (Agent Smith desires to be free also). The eye represents their overwatch of the sheeples. The eye’s illumination (glow) represents the “Sun” power they hold, they give light to anything allowed, darkness to all that’s not allowed. Annuit Coeptis, is latin for “I approve”, meaning all is subject to their approval. Novus order seclorum is latin for “new order of the ages” - an obvious nod towards the Matrix.
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