Chris Cheung Chris Cheung


The time has come for me to go deeper in sharing with you learnings from my ancient future lineage of Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, the Taoist masters & Zen masters - and how their lessons can be integrated into our lives - free of #spiritualbypassing #outsidethetemplelife

It took me a looooong time and a loooooot of inner and outer work on myself.. to see a perspective of neutrality, the middle way - beyond the veils of light versus dark.

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Do this BEFORE diving deep into the dark night of the soul

The importance of meditation BEFORE diving deep into the dark night of the soul: Learn to crawl before walking

As more and more people are engaging in plant medicine, shadow work retreats, deep inner mummy and daddy work (yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!) and boy am I sooooo happy for you all, I want to share with you the importance of having a meditation practice. Why?

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Are you trapped in a Business As Usual loop? Coronavirus to the rescue..

I invite you to see the potentiality of human and organisational transformation from dis-ease. Humans are creatures of habit, until we are significantly taken out of our comfort zones. Those of us who find comfort in controlling outcomes of the future, will be MOST challenged by the Coronavirus pandemic because right now, it’s so unpredictable.

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Likes & Dislikes - Personal Preference or Weapon?

When we share our likes and dislikes of another’s truth/perspective, this is us sharing our TRUTH. If we hide it, suppress it, go numb towards it, we are NOT expressing our core being. And so we share our likes and dislikes often without an intent of malice, as it is our core truth. Yet why is it that we at times feel hurt by differences of perspective?

It’s all about the emotion of DISGUST. 

Disgust is all about separation from toxicity, alienation, and at its extreme - hatred. There is no heart, no empathy that can exist in this space. It is an energy that is at its core - a separation from our heart center.

When we load up our truth with DISGUST it becomes a weapon of control, controlling others into agreement with our own truth. However, each person’s truth is their own unique perspective, their own sovereign right.

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Riding the tidal wave of SEPARATION & DIVISIVENESS

I've been taking a deep look at my own behavioural disciplining, at society's and the collective. I don't know what the answer is to the question "how do we discipline our kids?" 20 years ago we thought - it's punishment. Then later, we thought "praise and positivity" were the answer, but that has led us to a generation of entitlement, lack of accountability. And more recently, "What do we do with heinous hurtful acts of behaviour??" Is jail, isolation, separation - and the fear of incarceration - really the only answer?

What I do know, is that we must address this as a collective. And my sense of a solution, involves a completely new next-gen education system.

However, before we can address it, we need to be aware of our shadowy expression of DISGUST - when it shows up, how it shows up, how hurtful it feels.

DISGUST & RIGHTEOUSNESS is an act of separation from our INNER DIVINITY

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Breaking through the barriers of DISGUST

Our emotional expression of DISGUST is trapped in our bodies, from our conditioning & ancestral memories. It separates us from divinity. It separates us from others. It keeps humanity separated. It makes our children, partners, families feel unloved and isolated. In it’s gentle form, it is a core makeup of judgement. In it’s intense form, it is a core part of hatred. It is an energy that is almost impossible to bring heart to.


Because it is an act separating from divine love HEART itself. There is no empathy in being disgusted by another being. If someone does a hurtful action, standing up for ourselves with ANGER/FIRE, can be easily expressed with heart - empathy. However, adding a dose of disgust to it, is then the non-compassionate, non-empathetic isolation & separation energy. Adding a dose of shame to that, hurts even more and turns it into contempt.

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung


When faced with heinous hurtful events, our ability to express empathy and compassion is challenged to our core. 

The anger, shame and disgust, judgement that arises is so intense that it jars us out of our hearts. This is often when our Lightworker activist shows up in a big way. Wanting to stomp all over other opinions and perspectives, disrespecting the sovereign free will of other beings - we bully other perspectives underground, back into the shadows.

We run to creating new rules and conditions to suppress and punish hurtful ‘dark’ human behaviour. When we create new rules and conditions, all we are doing is creating the same old path of giving away our sovereignty. This is the path humanity has taken since the beginning of time. Creating a multitude of societal conditions - to which if we don’t oblige, we are punished, shamed, isolated.

Acceptance of other perspectives is DIFFERENT to agreeing to and giving our permission to hurtful behaviours.

How do we return to an UNCONDITIONAL loving space as a society & collective aka unconditional love? 

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Enter the Middle Way - Neutrality

The sovereignty theme (that we are all free will sovereign beings) has always been there for all humanity - and then we allowed our sovereignty (our fire/passion/anger) to get squashed - we allowed ourselves to become enslaved.. but this theme is coming more and more apparent in unity earth Dreamtime as we enter a less dense part of the universe. 

Enter the Middle Way - neutrality

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