The time has come for me to go deeper in sharing with you learnings from my ancient future lineage of Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, the Taoist masters & Zen masters - and how their lessons can be integrated into our lives - free of #spiritualbypassing #outsidethetemplelife
It took me a looooong time and a loooooot of inner and outer work on myself.. to see a perspective of neutrality, the middle way - beyond the veils of light versus dark.
What does inner and outer self work look like?
In the physical body realm, years of kung fu warrior training, years of dance & music training, years of gym, detox to nurture a balanced yin and yang.
In the mental realms, deleting programmed beliefs, dogmas, finding literacy to heart-centred discernment so that the “golden fountain of wisdom”, which is non-linear, non-sequential, non-space, non-time, non-english, can be translated, in neutrality, as un-distorted as possible, back into time-space, linear, sequential, English. #notthesameaschanneling
In the energetic body realm, years of heart coherency work, psycho-spiritual work, emotional intimacy work, mummy and daddy shadow work, sensual sexual work, finding literacy to emotions and feelings.
In the astral realms, it took a countless number of lucid dreams, deep meditations and journeys, where master warrior monks would teach me, train me, show me their lifetimes, & initiations. During the peak of my training, I would be writing down 7+ dreams a night.
And all whilst living a daily life in a corporate job to experience the #mainstream life. Did people at work think I was batsh!t crazy? He11 yes. Did I care? He11 no.
THIS WORK IS TOUGH, TRIGGERING, & EDGY, but on the other side of this - BLISS, PASSION & ALIVENESS awaited. I’m just super glad that I did much of it ‘at my own pace’ rather than having it all dumped on me as in NOW, with COVID19.
A perspective of neutrality - the middle way
Our recent duality story has been of (1) a mainstream media versus (2) conspiracy theory x 1000 #WOKEAF
It’s still competition-based, hierarchy-based - my story is TRUER than yours, my story is more #WOKE than yours.
We have been a species at war with ourselves, with dis-ease, fighting endlessly, in a cycle of karmic debt & retribution.
Whatever the layers of narrative are, whatever lies between distortion and truth, the lesser seen lesson is, “are we going to get drawn back into #oldparadigm stories and drama, or are we going to focus on what we want to create in a #newparadigm “ #444
#thetimeisnow #createyournewstory
And I will leave you with these deeper questions:
What if viruses are sentient? What if a tiny soul spark of a “human soul” is able to embody a virus body just as we embody this human skin suit body? What if they are capable of making agreements, with earth, with us? What if the 5 souls whose lives were just ended by person A, come back as viruses and infect person A? :-)
Love & hugs
#kindtrainer #emotionalintelligence #emotionalintimacy #heartcoherence #neutrality #themiddleway #oldparadigm to #newparadigm #wecreatechange #laotzu #zen #tao #karma #newperspectives #bethechange