Chris Cheung Chris Cheung


The time has come for me to go deeper in sharing with you learnings from my ancient future lineage of Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, the Taoist masters & Zen masters - and how their lessons can be integrated into our lives - free of #spiritualbypassing #outsidethetemplelife

It took me a looooong time and a loooooot of inner and outer work on myself.. to see a perspective of neutrality, the middle way - beyond the veils of light versus dark.

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Chris Cheung Chris Cheung

Do this BEFORE diving deep into the dark night of the soul

The importance of meditation BEFORE diving deep into the dark night of the soul: Learn to crawl before walking

As more and more people are engaging in plant medicine, shadow work retreats, deep inner mummy and daddy work (yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!) and boy am I sooooo happy for you all, I want to share with you the importance of having a meditation practice. Why?

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