Why Be Heart Centred?
“the path to end suffering begins with our hearts”
True Discernment
The heart has all the truth we need. The are many techniques that are used to tap into this heart truth such as muscle testing, dosing rods, sway tests, and kinesiology. Many of these tools require us to ask a question, and the answer becomes a binary (polar/logic) 'yes' or 'no' answer. It is binary as the brain processes in polarity (binary logic). However, these is a far greater level of intellect that we can obtain from our hearts, if we can give a depth of language to our hearts through connecting our brains to our hearts. We then apply words to our heart feelings and we reach new levels of discernment.
Andrew Bartzis discusses why connecting the heart with the mind is so important for our ability to discern the truth @ 10min:50sec
Clarity of Mind
Going into our hearts, we exit the mind, bringing our energy centre away from our heads to our hearts. Our hearts then take control of our mind, not vice-versa. Feeling with heart rather than thinking and analysing as a first point of awareness changes life perspectives dramatically.
We can only forgive ourselves, forgive others and others forgive us for all the hurt we have shared, from our hearts.
Deeper Connection
Our connection with others and ourselves can go so much deeper when we are connected from our hearts. We may feel a deep sense of togetherness, understanding, acceptance and bliss with another.
Emotional Release
Anger, Shame, Fear, Disgust, Sadness - just some of the emotions that we may have locked in our body through feeling hurt and pain experienced in our lives. We may go through continual emotional cycles caused by these traumas. We can only release these through the heart in acceptance, forgiveness.
Our day to day dramas become smaller and our sense and feeling of divinity, becomes larger. Our priorities, where we choose to spend our energy, is seen from a different perspective.
We wade through shame, fear, guilt, disgust in our quest to explore our pleasure centre. Society has connected our pleasure to our visual cortex, a world of instant gratification. The heart has a completely different orgasmic blissful feeling, a sensation of feeling one with divinity.