FRACTAl science & blissful living
Q&A time with Chris Cheung
What makes something by scientific definition: LIVING?
Based on our knowledge of fractal science & quantum physics, we know that the plasma field around an object, a.k.a its electric field, magnetic field, AURA - is what makes it measurably LIVING. Whether it’s a human/animal body, a plant, seed or physical material, it is scientifically measurable with electronic devices such as the EKG, EEG.
The larger the plasma field, the more alive it is! I.E. Objects with a high dielectric capacitance have a high ability to store energetic charge.
Tell me more about how fractal science gives us proof that something is LIVING?
Fractal science has proven to us that all life on Earth, and the known universe is created based on the Golden Mean 1.618.. and that there is a self-organising intelligence that becomes ‘ALIVE’, ‘BLISS’ & harmonious when molecules, creations and structures are geometrically aligned based on the Golden Ratio. create perfect fractal phase conjugation, negentropy, perfect implosion - BLISS
Golden Ratio:
Is the fundamental ratio in fractal fields which is the Electric Origin
Is the Cause and Mechanism of All Centripedal and Self Organizing Forces.
Gravity, Life Force, Perception, Bliss, Alphabet & Symbol, ColorA fractal field based on golden ratio: breathes charge, becomes a bioactive field.
A Bioactive field is a space which supports life
The work of biology and nature, has been to constantly arrange molecules into a fractal, often through a Fibonacci sequence, which accomplishes perfected distribution of charge - called LIFE
So we can measure how living or alive a person is?
Yes, a lot of research has been conducted by Dan Winter and Stanford’s HeartMath, that show us how human states of BLISS makes our heart field turns inside out in an implosion, creating a toroidal field (AURA) and high dielectric capacitance. Our heart becomes like a big magnetic electric plasma field. A large AURA is measured when we are coherent, and blissful - a.k.a - heart-centered. When we are incoherent and non-blissful, our AURA is destroyed, and again, this is measurable and proven by research.
In mathematical terms, we can measure life force charge capacitance as such:
1.618 (Phi - Φ): max constructive, bioactive, distributing charge
Multiples of 2 (octave): max destructive, isolating charge (black hole)
What does this plasma field look like?
We can see the effects of the field as a whirlpool of centripetal force, imploding.
Can we make things more alive? Can we grow our plasma field?
Yes definitely, it’s plasma field energy is additive. Meaning, a constructive AURA, will grow when it touches another constructive AURA.
There are three categories of behaviour that have been scientifically proven to grow an AURA
Category One: Contact & Movement
If we spend more time in contact with ALIVE (LIFE) objects our own AURA becomes larger. This includes:
Architecture, Transportation - spaces we spend time in
Somatic Movement - Yoga
Emotional Coherence & Emotional Intimacy
Nature immersion
Clothing - Organic ALIVE materials
Diet (Water/Food) - Genetic diversity of whole foods = happy DNA. Monoculture = angry (destructive) DNA
Day-to-day technology, equipment, gadgets = Electro-smog. Limit time
Category Two: Service
If we spend time in deep service to others - shareable energy - this is an act of perfect fractalization, creating a larger AURA
Category Three: Thoughts
When we think and share only shareable thoughts, this is an act of perfect fractalization, creating a larger AURA. How?
By doing our inner shadow work, we uncover our core wounding which drives our destructive thought patterns, allowing us to break free of mental constructs and release trapped emotions.
By emotionally digesting your day - i.e. Tibetan Reversing Day exercise - we clean our plasma field of emotional incoherence.
What happens when we are in contact with an object that’s DEAD?
As a plasma field energy is additive. Meaning, an AURA, will be destroyed (DIE) when it touches another destructive AURA, e.g. a human in a metal building. That includes, being close to people with a destroyed AURA (emotional discord, drama, suffering, non-bliss people)
So that’s why we feel terrible after a plane trip?
Yes, you’re in a DEAD aluminium tube (least fractal, poisonous to life) for several hours - your aura is destroyed.
Are there any detriments to being close to something with a very large AURA?
Yes, plasma fields are attracted to even higher vibrational plasma fields. So do not sleep over underground water or live on boats. Your aura will want to leave and go into the water.. Sailors who spent a lot of time at sea have issues, because their aura is always leaving them!
Is that why we feel like needing to pee when we hear a high flowing water?
Yes, in a way, especially with children, our aura wants to join the largest charge wave plasma, which is alive water!
All the information provided, applies mostly to individuals, what about a collective of individuals - say an ORGANISATION?
If we want to become ALIVE and THRIVE as a human species, we have to take our learnings from fractal science, and apply it to everything that we think, say and do - as individuals first.
And yes, what we have addressed so far, is a single LIVING organism. This is what most of the research on fractal science and bliss has been based on.
There now exists a template for organisational LIVING, based on fractal science and BLISS. It’s called the COHERENT LIVING MODEL, birthed by Ka’muniversity.
The WHOLISTIC ORGANISATIONAL LIVING program is based on the Coherent Living Model?
Yes, we are proud to be a part of the Ka’muniveristy Ka’munity. Ka’munity is a community of Ka’muniversity partners who help share and integrate learnings from Ka’muniversity and it’s next gen vision.
going deeper into fractal science
Dan Winter provides some wonderfully detailed (1hr+) insights in the following videos.
an extract from Source:
What is a Fractal?
Because a fractal signifies infinite compression, it is what spans the gap between the symmetries of the very small and the very large. Fractals exhibit self-similarity, meaning their inner structure has the same pattern as their outer structure (like a pine cone or a fern tree). Just as fractality describes the geometry of waves of energy or charge, fractals manifest as wave patterns that evolve ad infinitum – like an encoded thread linking larger spirals to infinitely smaller ones.
The Golden Mean (key to understanding the "Fractal Field")
The Golden Mean ratio is the keystone to:
Sacred Geometry
Ancient World Technologies
Classical Architecture
Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek Philosophies
All the Platonic solids are Golden Mean proportioned. Representative of our global scientific and philosophical heritage, the Golden Mean is now being rediscovered and applied to cutting-edge physics and breakthrough technologies.
The Fractal Field Unified Theory
The Fractal Field Unified Theory and the principle of the Golden Mean allow for the addition and multiplication of waves of charge and energy. The idea of symmetry is vital to both. Quantum physicists can explain the menagerie of fundamental particles we observe – quarks, gluons, fermions, bosons and more – as different facets of a symmetrical object. Relativity, too, is an expression of the symmetries that exist between space and time (Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 articulates a symmetry between mass and energy). Symmetry is part of the language of nature, from the molecular level on up: Many animals and plants exploitsymmetrical shapes as a way of standing out against the chaos of their landscape.
The Fractal Field Unified Theory illustrates that the perfect, infinite symmetry sought by physicists pre- and post-Einstein is a fractal and Golden Ratio phase conjugate field.
For example, the DNA is a spiral that exhibits a Golden Mean structure. When we apply the electric principles of phase conjugation, the dielectric field made by DNA itself becomes suddenly clear.
The Shape of the Universe
BIO-ACTIVE Systems Dan Winter was one of the first scientists to provide evidence that the shape of the universe is a stellated dodecahedron. As a shape capable of producing the perfect fractal, the stellated dodecahedron can cause charges to scale, materialize and implode. While electric field theory has been slow to produce a model of a fractal electrical field, the stellated dodecahedron stands as its perfect 3-D realization.
Winter was also one of the first scientists to attribute the cause of gravity to the fractal nature of the universe. According to Winter’s research, it is the stellated dodecahedron’s perfect charge collapse geometry – based on the Golden Mean – that creates gravity. Only the Golden Ratio allows for constructive interference of wave addition and multiplication.
Winter is not alone in his convictions. World famous research scientist El Naschie agrees with Winter, and has calculated groundbreaking mathematics proving the universe is a fractal based on the Golden Ratio. Garrett Lisi recently went public with his like-minded Theory of Everything model E8. The work of Alain Connes has shown that non-commutative spaces naturally evolve toward fractality. In fact, most astrophysicists now agree that the shape of the universe is a dodecahedron. Groundbreaking physicist Andrei Linde has found fractals helpful in modeling the behavior of the universe, and is currently spearheading research suggesting that the fractal nature of space may actually be the cause of gravity. The revelation that the Golden Ratio is the essence of fractality – and thereby the root cause of gravity (along with all centripetal forces) – is groundbreaking in that it links waves of all kinds to a single fractal heart.