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Likes & Dislikes - Personal Preference or Weapon?

The less obvious lessons of social media.

When we share our likes and dislikes of another’s truth/perspective, this is us sharing our TRUTH. If we hide it, suppress it, go numb towards it, we are NOT expressing our core being. And so we share our likes and dislikes often without an intent of malice, as it is our core truth. Yet why is it that we at times feel hurt by differences of perspective?

It’s all about the emotion of DISGUST. 

Disgust is all about separation from toxicity, alienation, and at its extreme - hatred. There is no heart, no empathy that can exist in this space. It is an energy that is at its core - a separation from our heart center.

When we load up our truth with DISGUST it becomes a weapon of control, controlling others into agreement with our own truth. However, each person’s truth is their own unique perspective, their own sovereign right.

Let’s look towards how our parents/teachers/guardians used it on us, as a tool of discipline. Locked in a dark closet, separated from a group, standing at the back of a classroom, left behind, shunned as an outcast, for doing something they DISLIKED. It means if you do not do as I say and act as I do, you will be isolated from our (conditional) love.

This becomes an energy of DISGUST trapped in our bodies. E.g. resting b/tch face, resting grumpy pouty lip stern face.

This energy also powers a self-sustaining self-governing human behavior program that can be triggered (activated) - and this is literally the mechanics of how discipline becomes locked into us as children - it is NOT a mental programming, as a child under 5 barely understands logic and rationale.

So when others express their disgust towards us, we feel hurt. And vice-versa. It triggers our internal programming, which then causes us to automatically/robotically/habitually modify our own behavior - forming our inner critic or inner saboteur.

And because we don’t like this feeling of DISGUST trapped in our bodies, we have to find (often safe obscure-away from public eye) ways to express disgust, often through our likes and dislikes. Often bizarrely intense dislikes e.g. eating noises, clothing style, etc., non of which are toxic/harmful, yet we cannot escape feeling highly offended, no matter how hard we try not to, or how irrational our dislike may be. A shadowy element of more conscious teachers - myself included - has been to reprogram our existing disgust into “better” “more conscious” humanitarian reasons.. e.g. disgust for bushfires, disgust for climate change, disgust for leadership, disgust at violence, disgust at killing animals, disgust at crime, disgust at corporations, disgust at sects and cults, disgust at religion, disgust at the global narrative etc. - and this powers the collective “activist” energy. We, collectively, need to EXTRACT the disgust energy out of ACTIVISM. 

And although expressing our disgust in the above activities helps us release trapped disgust, it does NOTHING for our core healing, or changing our hurtful behaviors - the very reason disgust keeps building up in the first place. Once healed, disgust isn’t there anymore - the discipline triggering program is deleted.

We, as the collective, need to learn how to extract the emotion out of the content, specifically, how to extract DISGUST from our TRUTH. 

Social media has brought this energy to the surface for collective healing. 

Our behaviors of chasing likes, avoiding dislikes, going numb to dislikes, disassociating from social media (disconnection/disassociation) - we are in an emotional LOOP, yet few of us are actually seeing the less obvious lesson of social media to go back to our core wounds, and healing our core conditioning of DISGUST - figuring out what set this into play for us as children.

PM me for one-on-one or group sessions.

Mahalo nui loa ❤️

*Picture was taken 12 sept 2019 at the San Miguel caves on Ibiza, Spain. Exploring the underbelly of the earth, through a small crevice and separation of earths underworlds inspired this sharing.

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