The Ajna Light is a tool to help you experience meditation without any effort. The Light can produce altered states of consciousness, similar to DMT for many people. Each Ajna Light journey is different, as it reflects the user's own consciousness, which is always changing.
The Ajna Light uses flickering lights that entrain brainwaves and stimulate the pineal gland. When the gland is stimulated it induces deep states of relaxation and transcendental experiences. The frequency or vibration of the body will be raised, which allows us to access and explore our consciousness.
The pineal gland, also known as the “third eye chakra”, is thought to be the seat of the soul, the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Many spiritual traditions contain the idea of opening the third eye to access inner awakening, clairvoyant perception, higher states of consciousness, imagination and dreaming.
The Ajna Light is here to help us on many levels:
– Clarity of mind and emotions
– Reduce states of anxiety and stress
– Development of intuition
– Better sense of connection with a larger reality
– Creativity
– Increased quality of sleep
– Out of Body & Astral Projection experiences
– Healing at a cellular level
– Reduction of snoring
– Addiction removal
– Soul journeys
More info in this video:
Light sessions are available for people of all ages but are not recommended for those who are dealing with epilepsy or extreme sensitivity to light.
Kind.Vibes light & Sound journeys
We facilitate group sessions and love combining the Light with Sound played by us, sometimes joined by local sound healers. Find out about our next KIND.Vibes Light & Sound Journey in the Calendar.
private sessions
Book an individual session, a series of private sessions (every consecutive session helps you to access deeper levels of your consciousness).
A session can take place in the comfort of your own home, in a venue or in a treatment room delicately picked by Marilyn.
Private sessions come with a psychic reading and energy balancing.
your event FEATUring the ajna light
Ajna Light Tipi Session during a thunderstorm @ Alchemy of Life Festival, France, March 2018
If you wish to arrange an event in your location either at home or in a café, yoga/healing centre, shop or elsewhere please contact us for details.
Are you hosting an event and are you looking for an original way to entertain your guests? Book Marilyn and her Ajna Light to come and offer your visitors an "out of the ordinary, memorable and possibly also transcendental" experience.